Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Welcome to free numerology........

First of all I thanks to this site which given me chance to write on numerology. I am new here, in the name of God I feel I can offer to all of you quite new things.

As we know since from our birth number remains attached with us. When the child borns nurses entry numbers as date of birth, date of time etc. when child grew he or she is taught numbers. Parents also being anxious about children numbers. We too worry about less number of notes(money).
These are few now you can count value of number.

But what is number, nothing but...................0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9  total ten digits!
These are in count 10 but has great value................! So continue.......with me :)

Through these numbers we can reach to infinte. Infinite means the count that we cant guess, again the things beyond one's imagination. If I ask you what will be answer if 6 devide by 0 ?. It will be infinite.

These numbers contains mystry. They affects our destiny too, do you know how they affects us?..Don't know, don't worry I will tell you all about this.

Numbers affects ourselves in all things.

In society when we see some achieves alot, some quite none.

Some believes in total war but some are followers of peace......Continue reading my next post

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